Welcome to Los Angeles NASPA Scrabble Club #44. This club, established in 1977 and currently directed by Alan Stern is one of the oldest in Southern California. Club #44 is one of a network of official Scrabble clubs in the U.S. and Canada run under the auspices of the North American Scrabble Players Association.
At Club #44 we begin our session of fun promptly at 5:45 pm and usually finish by 9:45 pm. Within that time we play four games. However, if you wish to stay for only three games, or two, feel free to do so. Generally, the second round of play begins about 6:40 p.m. So, if you are running late, don't panic.
The club is currently run free of charge.
You'll notice that many of our regulars bring their custom Scrabble boards and tiles to the club. It isn't required that you have your own set with you but if you do make sure that it is in proper order and the letter distribution is correct.
Now let's discuss the caliber of play. Many newcomers feel they can win with regularity the first time they come to our club (or any club for that matter) since they have been beating Aunt Louise for years and have topped 300 points at least six times. Well, don't become discouraged if you can't win right away. Everyone in this room was a beginner at first. If you stick with it, you will be amazed how quickly the tide turns and suddenly you're beating even the better players with consistency. Club #44 can boast many expert Scrabble players who began exactly the way you are! Of course, winning isn't important to everybody and you should enjoy your Scrabble experience no matter the result of each individual game. We have players of all skill levels whose friendship you will most certainly appreciate.
All "challenged" plays shall be arbitrated by the NASPA Word List, 2023 Edition (NWL2023), prepared by the North American Scrabble Players Association. Your first night we'll provide you with a list of all acceptable two and three-letter words so you can better acclimate yourself with what most players agree are the important building blocks to better playing. Feel free to "peek" at the list during play your first few sessions to ease into the club atmosphere. Also, be aware that we play on a game timer (25 minutes per player per game) to quicken the pace a bit, but don't be concerned about going a little overtime. New people play faster than they think and a timer won't intimidate you much. Your experience at Club #44 should be an enjoyable one where you can meet new friends and interesting people. We have some players who have shown up on Wednesdays almost religiously for a decade and more while continuing to have fun playing the world's greatest word game - Scrabble!
Have fun and good luck!